Julie Gyftoula

Julie Gyftoula has a teaching experience of 25 years. She is currently teaching English and serving as the Deputy Principal at the 3rd Primary School of Zografou, Athens, Greece. She holds a Master’s Degree in TESOL from the Hellenic Open University (HOU), Education Management and Administration from the University of Thessaly and a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. At the moment, she is a Ph.D candidate of the Department of English Language and Linguistics of the University of Athens and her academic interests focus on the investigation of teachers’ digital literacy practices and identity.
In addition, she has been training future English teachers and offering e-workshops for many years. She has also worked for various projects such as teaching English to adult refugees, educational materials development for the Digital School II project and the training of trainers to the Use and Exploitation of ICTs in Educational Process in Greece. She has coordinated many European projects in her school and organized school-based professional development training courses. Finally, she has received training from the Council of Europe on Competences for Democratic Culture and Education for Human Rights, the knowledge and experience of which she disseminates through her participation in Erasmus+ projects Advisory Boards.
Ingyang Hwang

One of my teaching philosophies is to teach beyond the confines of the textbook and let students experience real English through history and culture. I believe that understanding culture and history is crucial to learning English since the two are always related. In that sense, I think this program is the best opportunity to develop this. Through the academic opportunities offered by this program, I will endeavor to understand the true meaning of everything related to the U.S. in order to be able to teach real English that is connected to culture and history.
With authentic materials and first-hand experiences behind me, I plan to enhance language learning for students and teachers, not to mention meeting all educators from all around the world and hearing their perspectives in education.

Julie and Innie shared five of the most beautiful summer weeks of their entire life! June 2- July 7 found them in Missoula, Montana and other parts of the US studying but also enjoying every moment of a wonderful trip.