This book let people know about life and achievement of women who made effort for human rights and peace of region in various area of medicine, warefare and politics.
Reading a book, I’m surprised that there are women who did extraordinary works that deserve to be achieved for the future. they fought with uneqauilty without fear of failure and social power.
while women of Korea’s history who are unknown were usually independence activists against Japan, women of american history were concerned about right of workers and women. this is interesting point that various social movements could be happened in contemporary, depending on social background of different countries and nations. As a lot of people who tried to keep peace and eqaulity for their region were existed in America, I wondering how many people were disappeared in our history. If I have a chance, I want to investigate unknown people who did brave work in the past and to let my friends know about them. Also I feel regrettable that there are women who did mamorable activity such as working as a preident or founding Red-Cross of America couldn’t known.
do you intersted? then answer my questions please!
first, how many people do you know in this book? I’m just three...
sec, recently, arguments about women rights are on the rise in our society. Is there high perception of women rights and second-class citizen? and how do you think about it?
