Hi, I'm Lee Seung Eun.
I'd like to introduce the book 'The Big Book American Facts' (1000 intersting factors and Tribia about usa).

I had a lot of interest in other countries and felt joy in the process of getting to know them, so I chose this book and read this book.
I would like to introduce the plot, but this book is not a book with overall flow or content, but a book that delivers facts, so it is impossible to summarize simply. Therefore, I would like to briefly introduce how books are organized. As you can see from the title, the book is about "the 1,000 Fun Facts About America." The table of contents is divided by field, for example, the first table of contents is 'Government and Crime, the second table of contents is 'Presidents' and the third table of contents is 'Food and Drink'. Because of these characteristics, it is easy to find areas of interest. Also, the facts are listed one by one by one by adding numbers, not in the form of line. If you are not fluent in English, it is easy to read, but I personally felt sorry for the fact that it is simply written and the reason or result of the incident is often not found.
I interested in history and education, so I focused on it. When I learned world history, I always looked at other countries from the perspective of Korea, but it was a unique experience to understand that country from the perspective of other countries. The United States is as influential in the world, that's why It was impressive that each event had a huge ripple effect. other diverse and trivial knowledge was very interesting. If you have a chance, I recommend that you read this book.
As mentioned above, I have a lot of curiosity after reading this book, and I have summarized it into two things.
First, what is the attitude that the United States is taking about its history now?
Second, what is the United States currently pushing for or planning for the future in education?
I'm very happy to have a chance to introduce you to the book I read.
Thanks for reading it.
Oline Education
The Transition to Digital Education and Topic Selection Reasons brought by Corona19
The aftermath of Corona 19 is considerable. Corona19 has brought about major changes in various areas, including education, medical technology and culture. Among these, the main focus is on education. Corona 19 is creating an online education craze around the world. The transition from 'offline education' to 'digital education' was not first brought up by Corona19, and is one of the educational measures that has been consistently raised before. Online education was one of the educational measures under constant consideration, although it was radically promoted by Corona 19. Although the radical push has caused quite a few confusion, it is clear that the Corona 19 has become a turning point for the digital generation. Education is closely related to our daily lives. Education is a process of human formation and becomes a means of social structure, and is also directly linked to the issue of social compensation allocation, determining the various elements of our lives, and having a profound impact on individual life. We need to think about education with this influence together. As the educational environment is changing rapidly, we need to be alert and try to lead in the right direction. We conducted a survey of all the students at Samcheok Girls' High School to investigate the students' perception of Corona 19 and online education, and based on this, we are going to deal with the challenges of future education as well as realistic measures. To do this, I thought I should first know what online education is and I would like to focus on it.
Main subject
1. What is online education?
Online education refers to "learning through cyberspace while being in a place where learners can access the Internet, such as home or school, by utilizing the Internet, wired networks, and web technologies." Compared to learning in the classroom, it is characterized by the fact that education can be provided at remote locations and that computer-specific textbooks are available. Online education is also called e-learning, which means electronic learning, and aims to improve the quality of people's lives and contribute to the national economy by activating online learning. A typical example of Korea's e-learning is EBS College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) lectures, which are also used by cyber universities. It is the first time that online education has been universally used in Korea, and it is expected that "online classes" due to Corona 19 will be useful for future education in the future. Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Yoo Eun-hye expressed her intention not to go back to the era when the Corona 19 was over in the future, which was conducted solely by professors. Deputy Prime Minister Yoo emphasized 'converged education' that combines remote learning in face-to-face classes as a direction for future education, and said that she will also present a roadmap for realizing future education and a revised curriculum of 2022 that covers not only preschool, elementary, middle, and high schools but also universities by the end of this month.
2. Various forms of online learning
Recently, as technology advances, various electronic products have become obsolete, and the forms of online education are diversified. I'd like to look at some of the forms.
M (Mobile) Learning is a system that allows users to freely access the Internet anytime, anywhere and receive education through mobile devices such as smartphones. With the speed of mobile Internet and the improved performance of handsets, education in various fields has become possible, and language and job training are currently in the spotlight as major M-learning areas. In addition, companies in various fields of education are developing and providing video, English, and vocabulary games suitable for iPhones and Android phones.
A robot-based remote class where communication robots connect to the Internet and teachers come to the monitor to educate. Communication robots conduct classes freely within the classroom and examine students' responses. The biggest advantage of r-learning is to implement the learning effects of offline education that instructors and students face directly through online education. Education institutions are much more economical because they have to pay high labor costs and invite native English speakers to Korea. With the improved communication environment, the robot-based education model is the first to be put into practical use in Korea.
3. Advantages and disadvantages of online education
<learner's position>
Online education has the advantages of being free of time and place for learners, being cheap for learning, having a stop or repeat function, and not having a gap in education in rural or island areas, but the lack of supervisors leads to poor learning efficiency, difficulty in Q&A, and lack of social skills.
<Training Provider's Position>
Online education has the advantage of increasing revenue from the perspective of education providers, integrating education and administrative tasks to achieve convenience, and consistently delivering quality education, but it is costly to produce lectures, and it can lead to secondary problems such as illegal copying and sharing of lectures.
<national position>
Online education has the advantage of expanding social costs from the national perspective and ensuring equity in the regional gap between the rich and the poor, but the problem is that it costs a lot of money to provide new forms of education.
<Samcheok Girls' High School Survey Results>
Students at Samcheok Girls' High School took advantage of online learning as the school's opening was postponed. We conducted a survey based on their learning experience. First, 35.4 percent of students chose "normal" in the online study satisfaction survey, while 26.8 percent chose "unsatisfactory." Among the reasons for dissatisfaction, 47.2 percent said they had difficulty communicating, followed by "server instability" and "lack of learning devices." These parts need to be supplemented further.
personal opinion
Online education has already established itself in our daily lives, so there is no more to add to whether it is realized. Education is not only responsible for delivering knowledge, but also for social functions, so there must be a limit to doing its part with indirect contact through learning devices. Personally, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, so online and offline education need to complement each other and be done together. There are always clumsy and rebellious at first, we will have to constantly think about and communicate to get the best results, and there are various problems such as fairness of online tests, but I hope that the learner's perception will mature quickly and the right direction will be established so that online education will become a learning form.
Naver 지식백과 - E 러닝
MK 매일경제 “유은혜 코로나 사라져도 초중고 온라인 수업 병행…교육과정 바꿀 것
논문 ‘컴퓨터 보안과 활용 온라인 교육의 현실과 미래’ - 온라인 교육의 장단점 발췌
[네이버 지식백과] M러닝 (매일경제, 매경닷컴)
[네이버 지식백과] r-러닝 [Robot Learning] (지식경제용어사전, 2010. 11., 산업통상자원부)
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