Renee Waston
1. What is the core component of Jade's identity?
2. Based on collage motifs, this book consists of several fragmented chapters, and how does the fragmented chapter contribute to the entire novel?
The summery of the book
Jade believes she must get out of her poor neighborhood of she’s ever going to succeed. Her mother tells her to take advantage of every opportunity that comes her way. And maybe there are some things Jade could show these successful women about the real world and finding ways to make a real difference.
I read the original English book for the first time, and it was uncomfortable and slow to read in the beginning, but I think I enjoyed reading the book as time went by. When I first saw the cover, I thought there would be a story that was stimulating and touching, but after reading it, I was surprised that it depicted the daily life of a high school girl calmly and calmly. And thanks to the heartwarming ending, it touched my heart. I felt that I wanted to be a confident person like Jade who bravely insisted on his thoughts and did not hesitate